Signant is the answer!



CDD measures and AML
Contracts, powers of attorney, attestations
No problem!
Archive with LTV-maintenance
BankID, Buypass, NemID, iDIN
You're welcome!


Professional usage of the portal with your own business account.

Per signature: NOK 15,-
Lincense fee per month: NOK 290,-
Establishment: 0,-

Administrators: 10
Normal users: unlimited

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Professional usage of the portal with your own business account, with profiled appearance.

Per signature: NOK 10,-
License fee per month: NOK 500,-
Establishment: NOK 5000,-

Administrators: 20
Normal users: unlimited

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CDD measures. This product includes registration and verification of company information and legitimization of the customer's legitimate representative and registration of ultimate beneficial owners.

CDD measure company: NOK 39,-
CDD measure person: NOK 15,-
Establishment: NOK 0,-

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Service Integration with a private enterprise system. With service integration you can automate document workflow by collecting signatures and archiving of signed documents with your own business system. Provides also access to direct use of the portal with an own account.

Onboarding price per agreement.

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«We use Signant to carry out customer due diligence and electronically sign various types of documents. This is time-saving, safe and easy for us and our customers.»



«By allowing customers to sign all agreements linked to the financial statements electronically, we achieve a digital interaction. The customers experience this as easy and positively»



«100% of our private customers are now signing their leases with BankID. It's easy, safe and provides obvious benefits to both us and our customers»



Do you want to talk about what we offer, or do you need more information?
Feel free to contact one of us in the sales department.



The Money Laundering Act sets extensive requirements for companies subject to reporting on customer control for both new and existing customers, including identification. This identification process often takes time, as the requirements for an approved identification are very strict. The requirements mean that you must consult a notarius publicus to get a certified copy of your ID or physically identify yourself in the office of your service provider, whether it is, for example, a lawyer, accountant or in real estate.

Digital and efficient solution

Signant has developed a solution that can legitimize people in Norway, Sweden and Denmark with, for example, the use of BankID, which meets the following legal requirements: «Everyone who has a role / relationship with a company that is a customer of ours must be legitimized as identification is a requirements in the money laundering rules ».

Available on the company's website

The solution means that the individual persons who must identify themselves when creating a new customer relationship or in the event of changes in an existing relationship can easily go to the company's website to carry out the process.

BankID AML is available as a seperate KYC in the Customer Control product package.

Customer control requires a subscription to Portal Pro or Portal Enterprise.


Signant Portal Enterprise

Enterprise level usage of the portal with business account and profiled appearance. This product package suits companies where electronic signature is a key element in the document work flow, and the company desires a uniform digital surface. Customized profile elements make the service an integral part of the company digital appearance. User management controls access to the company account and document archive.

Per signature: NOK 10,-
License fee per month: NOK 500,-
Establishment: NOK 5000,-

Administrators: 20
Normal users: unlimited

User management
SMS notification
Profile customization

Available options:
CDD measures
Control of social security number
- Requires legal basis. Contact Maestro Soft AS to enable processing of SSN in our services.


Signant Portal Pro

Professional usage of the portal with your own business account. This product package suits companies that regularly are signing agreements and documents. User management controls access to the company account and their document archive.

Per signature: NOK 15,-
Lincense fee per month: NOK 290,-
Establishment: 0,-

Administrators: 10
Normal users: unlimited

User management
SMS notification

Available options:
CDD measures
Control of social security number
- Requires legal basis. Contact Maestro Soft AS to enable processing of SSN in our services.


Signant Webservice Pro

Service Integration with a private enterprise system. With service integration you can automate document workflow by collecting signatures and archiving of signed documents with your own business system. Provides also access to direct use of the portal with an own account.

Access to API for Signant Webservice
User management
Archive with LTV maintenance (optional)
- Service for archive and automatically maintenance of time stamping for long-term validation of documents.

Control of social security number
- Requires legal basis. Contact Maestro Soft AS to enable processing of SSN in our services.

Onboarding price per agreement.



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Can I sign with BankID on mobile?

Yes. You can sign with BankID on Mobile. BankID offers two different implementations of BankID on Mobile. Both of course involves using your cell phone as the item you possess in order to perform two factor authentication. However only the variant “BankID on Mobile OTP (BIM OTP)” supports signing of PDF documents. When starting the BankID signature you should be able to select BankID on Mobile inside the BankID dialogue, and successfully complete the signature wizard.

What do I do if I miss the option "BankID on mobile"?

The BankID signature dialogue defaults to your last used device for BankID one time password (Chip or Mobile). In order to switch to the “BankID on Mobile” please select “Velg annen BankID” on the page requesting the one time password, and select “BankID på Mobil”.

If you do not have this option, please contact the bank that has issued your BankID and request an activation of “BankID on Mobile OTP” on your account.

Can multiple persons sign the same document?

Of course, several signatories may sign the same document even if the signatories are using e-ID from different providers. You may also add new signatories to an already signed document if you please.

Do I have to have a signature widget on all pages?

No, the use of a signature widget is optional and has no bearing on the legal significance of the signature.

As a general rule, we recommend using the signature widget on the first page. The actual electronic signature is always a signature of the entire document.

How do I check that a document is signed?

Validation of both signatures, document content and timestamps are performed automatically by most PDF readers. Usually the PDF reader will show you a signature panel where you can see who has signed and if the signatures are valid.

Can I change the document after it is signed?

No, you cannot modify a signed document without breaking the electronic signature.

Do I have to have a social security number for those who are going to sign?

No, using social security number is optional if available in your account. The use of a social security number has no significance for the signature itself, but is used to control the right person when accessing the signature. The use of a social security number also presupposes that the company has a legal or factual need for this.

Who can use Signant?

Signant is a general purpose signature portal available to both public and private sector. Any person with an e-ID currently supported by the Signant login dialogue may use Signant.

Does Signant send reminder messages?

Yes, Signant will send a reminder on a regular basis to the signatories until the signature posting expiration date.

How does the signatories get a copy of the signed documents?

If selected in the posting wizard, Signant will send a message to all signatories when the signature posting is completed. The signatories may then access and securely download the signed documents.

Can I have my own logo on the signature landing page?

Yes. The Signant Portal Enterprise tier allow profiling of the message templates and signature landing page content with your company logo and profile colors.

Does Signant have an archive solution?

Yes, the products tiers Portal Professional and Portal Enterprise includes archive for the documents you sign with Signant.

Who has access to the archive?

Only administrators, as configured in the user management, have access to the archive.

Can Signant be integrated into our system?

Yes, Signant has an easy to use API that can be integrated with most systems.

Can I replace or change the document after the signature posting is committed?

No. If there is a change in the document, the posting must be canceled and a new posting must be created.

Can I change recipients after it has been sent for signing?

Yes, you can change the email and names of recipients.

Can the document be re-signed after it has been signed?

Yes, unless the signed document is sealed with an e-Seal, Signant allows adding more signatories to an already signed document.

Are the signatures valid across national borders?

Yes, Signant delivers native PAdES signatures (PDF with Advanced Electronic Signature), and can be used against public actors or companies in Europe in line with the purpose of the eIDAS regulation. Note that the electronic signatures are based on the signatories' own certificate in the signature. This also means that the underlying level of trust in the individual signature is inherited from the individual signature service.